

export type SiderTheme = 'light' | 'dark';
export interface GlobalHeaderRightProps extends ConnectProps {
theme?: SiderTheme;
layout: 'sidemenu' | 'topmenu';

validateFields((err: unknown, fieldsValue: searchParamsType) => {});

interface IProps {
form: FormComponentProps['form'];

(e: React.FormEvent)=>{}


import {
} from 'redux';

import { History } from "history";

export interface onActionFunc {
(api: MiddlewareAPI<any>): void,

export interface ReducerEnhancer {
(reducer: Reducer<any>): void,

export interface Hooks {
onError?: (e: Error, dispatch: Dispatch<any>) => void,
onAction?: onActionFunc | onActionFunc[],
onStateChange?: () => void,
onReducer?: ReducerEnhancer,
onEffect?: () => void,
onHmr?: () => void,
extraReducers?: ReducersMapObject,
extraEnhancers?: StoreEnhancer<any>[],

export type DvaOption = Hooks & {
initialState?: Object,
history?: Object,

export interface EffectsCommandMap {
put: <A extends AnyAction>(action: A) => any,
call: Function,
select: Function,
take: Function,
cancel: Function,
[key: string]: any,

export type Effect = (action: AnyAction, effects: EffectsCommandMap) => void;
export type EffectType = 'takeEvery' | 'takeLatest' | 'watcher' | 'throttle';
export type EffectWithType = [Effect, { type : EffectType }];
export type Subscription = (api: SubscriptionAPI, done: Function) => void;
export type ReducersMapObjectWithEnhancer = [ReducersMapObject, ReducerEnhancer];

export interface EffectsMapObject {
[key: string]: Effect | EffectWithType,

export interface SubscriptionAPI {
history: History,
dispatch: Dispatch<any>,

export interface SubscriptionsMapObject {
[key: string]: Subscription,

export interface Model {
namespace: string,
state?: any,
reducers?: ReducersMapObject | ReducersMapObjectWithEnhancer,
effects?: EffectsMapObject,
subscriptions?: SubscriptionsMapObject,

export interface RouterAPI {
history: History,
app: DvaInstance,

export interface Router {
(api?: RouterAPI): JSX.Element | Object,

export interface DvaInstance {
* Register an object of hooks on the application.
* @param hooks
use: (hooks: Hooks) => void,

* Register a model.
* @param model
model: (model: Model) => void,

* Unregister a model.
* @param namespace
unmodel: (namespace: string) => void,

* Config router. Takes a function with arguments { history, dispatch },
* and expects router config. It use the same api as react-router,
* return jsx elements or JavaScript Object for dynamic routing.
* @param router
router: (router: Router) => void,

* Start the application. Selector is optional. If no selector
* arguments, it will return a function that return JSX elements.
* @param selector
start: (selector?: HTMLElement | string) => any,

export default function dva(opts?: DvaOption): DvaInstance;

* Connects a React component to Dva.
export function connect(
mapStateToProps?: Function,
mapDispatchToProps?: Function,
mergeProps?: Function,
options?: Object
): Function;


import { Reducer } from 'redux';
import { Subscription, Effect } from 'dva';

import { NoticeIconData } from '@/components/NoticeIcon';
import { queryNotices } from '@/services/user';
import { ConnectState } from './connect.d';

export interface NoticeItem extends NoticeIconData {
id: string;
type: string;
status: string;

export interface GlobalModelState {
collapsed: boolean;
notices: NoticeItem[];

export interface GlobalModelType {
namespace: 'global';
state: GlobalModelState;
effects: {
fetchNotices: Effect;
clearNotices: Effect;
changeNoticeReadState: Effect;
reducers: {
changeLayoutCollapsed: Reducer<GlobalModelState>;
saveNotices: Reducer<GlobalModelState>;
saveClearedNotices: Reducer<GlobalModelState>;
subscriptions: { setup: Subscription };

const GlobalModel: GlobalModelType = {
namespace: 'global',

state: {
collapsed: false,
notices: [],

effects: {
*fetchNotices(_, { call, put, select }) {
const data = yield call(queryNotices);
yield put({
type: 'saveNotices',
payload: data,
const unreadCount: number = yield select(
(state: ConnectState) => state.global.notices.filter(item => !item.read).length,
yield put({
type: 'user/changeNotifyCount',
payload: {
totalCount: data.length,
*clearNotices({ payload }, { put, select }) {
yield put({
type: 'saveClearedNotices',
const count: number = yield select((state: ConnectState) => state.global.notices.length);
const unreadCount: number = yield select(
(state: ConnectState) => state.global.notices.filter(item => !item.read).length,
yield put({
type: 'user/changeNotifyCount',
payload: {
totalCount: count,
*changeNoticeReadState({ payload }, { put, select }) {
const notices: NoticeItem[] = yield select((state: ConnectState) =>
state.global.notices.map(item => {
const notice = { ...item };
if (notice.id === payload) {
notice.read = true;
return notice;

yield put({
type: 'saveNotices',
payload: notices,

yield put({
type: 'user/changeNotifyCount',
payload: {
totalCount: notices.length,
unreadCount: notices.filter(item => !item.read).length,

reducers: {
changeLayoutCollapsed(state = { notices: [], collapsed: true }, { payload }): GlobalModelState {
return {
collapsed: payload,
saveNotices(state, { payload }): GlobalModelState {
return {
collapsed: false,
notices: payload,
saveClearedNotices(state = { notices: [], collapsed: true }, { payload }): GlobalModelState {
return {
collapsed: false,
notices: state.notices.filter((item): boolean => item.type !== payload),

subscriptions: {
setup({ history }): void {
// Subscribe history(url) change, trigger `load` action if pathname is `/`
history.listen(({ pathname, search }): void => {
if (typeof window.ga !== 'undefined') {
window.ga('send', 'pageview', pathname + search);

export default GlobalModel;


import { Dispatch, AnyAction } from 'redux';

interface LoginProps {
dispatch: Dispatch<AnyAction>;

@connect(({ login, loading }: ConnectState) => ({
userLogin: login,
submitting: loading.effects['login/login'],

export interface Loading {
global: boolean;
effects: { [key: string]: boolean | undefined };
models: {
global?: boolean;
menu?: boolean;
setting?: boolean;
user?: boolean;
login?: boolean;

export interface ConnectState {
global: GlobalModelState;
loading: Loading;
settings: SettingModelState;
user: UserModelState;
login: LoginModelType;